Gram stain, C&S of pus from carbuncle/abscess (but not epidermoid cyst) recommended, but tx w/o these is reasonable if mild [S/M]

By vgreene, 23 January, 2015
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<sup>1</sup> Moderate = presence of SIRS (temp >38⁰C or <36⁰C, RR >24, HR >90, WBC >12K or <4K) [S/L].<br><br>
<sup>2</sup> Other indications for systemic abx: multiple abscesses, extremes of age, poor response to I&D.
<sup>3</sup> Only if confirmed MSSA.
<sup>4</sup> Severe = failed initial abx tx or markedly impaired host defenses or SIRS w/ hypotension [S/L].
<sup>5</sup> Do not use as empiric tx unless local Staph resistance rate <10%-15%.
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