If all ECASS III criteria met, consider tPA5,6 for consenting pts if it can be given w/in 3-4.5h of definite sx onset [B]. If any criteria not met, do not give

By vgreene, 6 January, 2015
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<sup>5</sup> tPA effectiveness has been less well established in institutions w/o systems in place to safely administer the medication.<br><br>
<sup>6</sup> Within any time window, once decision is made to administer IV tPA, the pt should be treated as rapidly as possible.
<sup>7</sup> Exclusion (caution) not mentioned in either NINDS or ECASS III, but is generally used.
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If all ECASS III criteria met, consider tPA<sup>5,6</sup> for consenting pts if it can be given w/in 3-4.5h of definite sx onset [B]. If any criteria not met, do not give<br><br>