Provide the following for pts w/ presentation consistent w/ bronchiolitis<sup>7</sup>

By vgreene, 24 December, 2014
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<sup>7</sup> Dx: assess severity based on hx/PE (viral URI prodrome, rhinorrhea, cough, tachypnea, wheezing, rales, grunting, nasal flaring, apnea) [B/S]. Assess resp rate, retractions, O2 sat, and risk factors for severe dz: age <12 wks, prematurity, cardiopulmonary dz, in utero smoke exposure, immunodeficiency, congenital anomalies [B/M]. X-ray, lab studies not routinely recommended [B/M]; exception: test for RSV in hospitalized infants on palivizumab to determine breakthrough infxn; CXR for unexpected worsening, ICU admission, suspected airway complication (eg, pneumothorax).<br><br>
<sup>8</sup> Exclusions: Children w/ acidosis or fever.
<sup>9</sup> May choose not to use continuous pulse ox [C/W]; use of pulse ox may prolong hospitalization.
<sup>10</sup> Suctioning of nares may be beneficial, but not routine deep suctioning.
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