Screen at 6-12 wks post partum<sup>8</sup> to detect DM or impaired glucose metabolism. [C]

By rray, 28 November, 2014
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<sup>8</sup> GDM carbohydrate intolerance freq. resolves after delivery, yet up to 1/3 will have DM or impaired glucose metabolism at postpartum screening; 15-50% will develop Type 2 DM later in life.<br><br><sup>9</sup> Although FPG is easier to perform, it lacks sensitivity for other forms of glucose metabolism abnormalities like IGT. 5th Int’l Workshop on GDM recommended 75-g, 2-h OGTT for postpartum pts.<br><br>
<sup>10</sup> If pt may have subsequent pregnancies, more freq. screening has advantages of detecting glucose metabolism abnormalities prepregnancy and opportunity of ensuring preconception glycemic control.
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