
By vgreene, 29 October, 2014
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<sup>4</sup> Key details of medical hx: unilateral, pulsatile, hearing loss and laterality/symmetry, timing of onset, noise exposure, meds/ototoxic exposures, vertigo/balance malfunction, cognitive impairments.<br><br>
<sup>5</sup> Key details of physical exam: objective tinnitus, murmurs/bruits, focal neuro signs, otorrhea, otoscopy, head/neck masses.
<sup>6</sup> Indications for imaging: tinnitus localized to 1 ear or pulsatile tinnitus, focal neuro abnormalities, or asymmetric hearing loss.
<sup>7</sup> Extrapolated from persistent, bothersome tinnitus recommendations; can be applied to selected pts.
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