PrEP may be indicated if: neg HIV test, no s/sx of acute HIV infxn [IA], normal renal fxn,<sup>4</sup> documented HBV/vaccine status.

By makin, 21 October, 2014
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<sup>4</sup> Do not start PrEP if eCrCl <60 mL/min. Recheck renal status at 3 mo, and q6mo thereafter. D/C PrEP if renal failure detected [IIIA].<br><br>
<sup>5</sup> Use of antiretrovirals other than TDF/FTC (or TDF) is not recommended [IIIA]. Prescription of oral PrEP for coitally timed or other noncontinuous daily use is not recommended [IIIA].
<sup>6</sup> TDF/FTC alone is inadequate tx for established HIV infxn, & its use may lead to drug resistance [IA].
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