Initiate drug tx if SBP ≥140 or DBP ≥90 [E]; goal is <140/90 [E]<sup>1</sup>

By whadikin, 9 October, 2014
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<sup>1</sup> Applies to pts <70 yo w/ GFR <60, or pts of any age w/ albuminuria (>30 mg alb/g of Cr) at any GFR level. No BP goal recommended for pts 70 yrs or older w/ GFR <60; tx for such pts should be individualized.<br><br><sup>2</sup> Use of ACEIs/ARBs in CKD pts requires monitoring of lytes & Cr; dose reduction/discontinuation may be required for safety reasons.<br><br>
<sup>3</sup> In black pts w/ CKD & proteinuria, ACEI or ARB is recommended 1st-line; if no proteinuria, choice of initial tx less clear, & may include thiazide, CCB, ACEI, or ARB. If ACEI or ARB is not used initially, then add-on tx may include ACEI or ARB.<br><br>
<sup>4</sup> If goal BP cannot be reached, drugs from non-recommended classes may be used; consultation w/ HTN specialist may be indicated [E].
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