Recommendations for initial ART regimens for adolescents are also incl in the Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in Adults and Adolescents With HIV See Adolescents and Young Adults With HIV

By rray, 26 July, 2024
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<sup>1</sup> BIC avail. only as part of fixed-dose combo tab (BIC/FTC/TAF; Biktarvy), approved for use in children/adolescents ≥14 kg. Two strengths of the fixed-dose combo are avail., w/ dosing according to wt. Biktarvy approved for ARV tx-naïve pts; can also be used to replace current ARV regimen in pts virologically suppressed (HIV RNA <50 copies/mL) on stable ARV regimen, w/ no hx of tx failure and no known substitutions assoc w/ resistance to fixed-dose combo components. For pts unable to swallow the whole tab, tabs may be split and each part taken separately, as long as all parts ingested w/in 10min.
<sup>2</sup> ABC/DTG/3TC fixed-dose combo avail. as dispersible tablets approved for children weighing ≥6 kg and <25 kg and as a film-coated tablet for children weighing ≥25 kg.
<sup>3</sup> TAF is an oral prodrug of tenofovir, w/ lower risk of renal and bone adverse effects compared w/ TDF. TAF is avail. in an FDC tablet w/ emtricitabine in 2 strengths, w/ dosing according to wt. Approved for use in children/adolescents weighing ≥14 kg w/ CrCl ≥30 mL/min. Coadministration w/ boosted ATV, DRV, or LPV increases TAF concentrations. Because no data exist on use of this combo in children <35 kg, use of FTC/TAF w/ a boosted PI in these pts is not recommended. Wt gain and incr. obesity risk observed in adults treated w/ TAF, but not clearly demonstrated in children; also assoc w/ dyslipidemia.
<sup>4</sup> DRV/c-based regimens may be used if there are concerns about INSTI resistance (e.g., pts w/ hx of CAB-LA use for PrEP). DRV/c is FDA approved for use in children ≥40 kg and is avail. as part of an FDC tablet containing DRV/c/FTC/TAF (Symtuza). Twice-daily dosing is <i>not</i> recommended w/ DRV/c. If DRV-associated resistance mutations are present, twice-daily DRV/r is recommended.
<sup>5</sup> TDF is avail. in powder and tablet forms, and in an FDC as FTC/TDF. Decreased BMD has been observed in adults and children, though clinical significance is unknown and routine DEXA monitoring is not recommended in children. Renal toxicity has also been observed; SCr, urine protein, and glucose should be monitored during tx.
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Recommendations for initial ART regimens for adolescents are also incl. in the <a href=><u>Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in Adults and Adolescents With HIV</u></a>. See “Adolescents and Young Adults With HIV.”