If typical heartburn and or regurgitation w o alarm sx or extraesophageal sx presumptive GERD dx can be established 2 4 tx empirically w qd PPI taken 30 60min before a meal 4 6 use lowest effective dose 4 6 d c PPI at end of 8wk in pts who respond 4 H2 bl

By hgreaney@athen…, 21 January, 2022
Detail (Long)
If typical <strong>heartburn and/or regurgitation w/o alarm sx</strong> or extraesophageal sx, presumptive GERD dx can be established;<sup>2,4</sup> tx empirically w/ qd PPI, taken 30-60min before a meal; <sup>4,6</sup> use lowest effective dose,<sup>4,6</sup> d/c PPI at end of 8wk in pts who respond;<sup>4</sup> H2 blockers less effective, but better than placebo<sup>1</sup>