Guideline Resources
Hemorrhoid Management: 2014 ACG Guideline | epocrates Guideline Synopsis
Key Points
Anal canal cushions are renamed internal hemorrhoids when they bleed/protrude. For internal hemorrhoids: r/o other sources of bleeding/protrusion.
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ACG Clinical Guideline: Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders. Am J Gastroenterol. 2014;109(8):1141-47.
Epocrates Guideline Synopsis Last Update: Sep 28, 2018
Publication Year:
ACG - American College of Gastroenterology
Evidence Grade
[SR] Strong recommendation—most pts should receive tx, applies to most clinical situations
[WR] Weak recommendation—clinicians should examine evidence, debate required
[H] High-evidence quality—further research unlikely to alter confidence about efficacy
[M] Moderate-evidence quality—further research likely to affect future recommendations
[L] Low-evidence quality—further research very likely to affect future recommendations
coag coagulation
ext external
I&D incision & drainage
sig sigmoidoscopy
sclero sclerotherapy