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Nephrolithiasis Medical Evaluation: 2014 AUA Guideline | epocrates Guideline Synopsis
Key Points
Conflicting opinions on whether a single 24-hr urine reliably detects abnormalities: obtain 1 or 2. F/U imaging @ 1-yr interval for stable pts, tailor clinically.
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Medical management of kidney stones: AUA guideline. Pearle MS, et al. Linthicum (MD): American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. 2014 Aug.
Epocrates Guideline Synopsis Last Update: Oct 17, 2022
Publication Year:
AUA - American Urological Association
Evidence Grade
[S] Standard (Statement Type)
[R] Recommendation (Statement Type)
[O] Option (Statement Type)
[A] High Strength of Evidence
[B] Moderate Strength of Evidence
[C] Low Strength of Evidence
[CP] Clinical Principle
[EO] Expert Opinion
ADR Adverse Drug Reaction
BL Bilateral
BMP Basic Metabolic Profile
CAI Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor
HPT Hyperparathyroidism
PTH Parathyroid Hormone