Guideline Resources
ADHD Management in Children/Adolescents: 2019 AAP Guideline | epocrates Guideline Synopsis
Key Points
Screen for ADHD and comorbid conditions in any pt aged 4-18 yo w/ academic/behavioral problems & sx of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity. For children 4-5 yo, behavioral tx is 1st-line; methylphenidate can be used 2nd-line. For older children/adolescents: combo of meds + behavioral tx recommended.
Choose Patient Type
Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2019 Oct;144(4).
Epocrates Guideline Synopsis Last Update: Oct 14, 2022
Publication Year:
AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
Quality of Evidence
[A] Well-designed RCTs/diagnostic studies on relevant population
[B] RCTs/diagnostic studies w/minor limitations; consistent findings from multiple observational studies
[C] Single or few observational studies or multiple studies w/ inconsistent findings or major limitations
[D] Expert opinion/case reports/reasoning from 1st principles
[X] Exceptional situations: validating studies cannot be performed and clear preponderance of benefit/harm
Strength of Recommendation
[R] recommendation
[S] Strong recommendation
[M] Moderate recommendation
[W] Weak recommendation (based on low-quality evidence or based on balance of benefit & harm)
[N] No recommendation
* indicated as off-label use
abdo abdominal
ADR adverse drug reaction
attn attention
behav behavioral
BP blood pressure
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
dysfxn dysfunction
ER extended release
fxn function
GI gastrointestinal
HPI history of present illness
inattn inattention
OROS Osmotic [Controlled] Release Oral [Delivery] System
PTBM parent training in behavior management
PMH past medical history
PE physical exam
ROS review of systems
wt weight