If ICH in pt w AF and 5 yr risk of thromboembolic events rheumatic heart dz mech heart valve hx of stroke VTE active malignancy genetic thrombophilia CHA2DS2 VASc score 5 early resumption of OAC is reasonable to reduce thromboembolic events C LD Consider

By rray, 26 March, 2024
Detail (Long)
<b>If ICH,</b> in pt w/ AF and >5%/yr risk of thromboembolic events (rheumatic heart dz, mech heart valve, hx of stroke/VTE, active malignancy, genetic thrombophilia, CHA<sub>2</sub>DS<sub>2</sub>-VASc score >5), early resumption of OAC is reasonable to reduce thromboembolic events [C-LD]. Consider delay until 4-8wk [C-LD], esp. if bleeding in critical organ or unidentified source. Per ESC, consider delayed restart in pts w/ traumatic ICH; NOACs preferred over warfarin if restarting [C].